examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 28 18:05:23 EST 2004

    Dustin> I've looked at it briefly (if I recall it is written in Perl).


    Dustin> I may go back and investigate that more thoroughly but I still
    Dustin> wonder:

    Dustin> - Are there any Python based examples?


    Dustin> - Is webmin well designed? (Not trying to troll, just curious if
    Dustin>   it is well thought out or just a hack)
I don't know that either, but I suspect that with its plugin architecture
it's getting pretty mature.  I've only ever used it as a side-effect of
using NagMIN.

    Dustin> If any of you were to design such a beast (web based system
    Dustin> admin tool) from scratch which framework would you consider a
    Dustin> good match?

I'd give Quixote a look, though all the other Python-based solutions in this
space (Zope, Webware, etc) are probably all equally suitable.  It probably
depends mostly on what framework you're most comfortable with.


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