extending dbexts

vincent Salaun vincent.salaun at zslide.com
Fri Mar 26 06:19:35 EST 2004


i'd like to know if it's possible to extend dbexts to other database 
modules as MySQLdb ...

For the moment, it only supports zxJDBC and mxODBC modules but they say 
that it "could easily be modified to support others. It allows 
developers to write scripts without knowledge of the implementation 
language of Python (either C or Java). " (see 
http://www.jython.org/docs/zxjdbc.html for details).

I just begin to use python and i looked at dbexts.py but it seems to be 
a bit complicated ....

Does anybody know if dbexts support new modules now or if there are 
projects around that ?
I searched some resources about dbexts on the web but didn't find so 
much things ....


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