Tabbing probs

Christian Tismer tismer at
Mon Mar 29 10:52:53 EST 2004

Michael wrote:

>> No, I think you don't get at the real problem:
>> People do use tabs which are 8 spaces, but they
>> want their code to be indented by steps of four.
>> This creates mixed tabbing, and that's what you
>> see way too often when reading foreign code.
>> You have to adjust your editor to *that* tabbing,
>> before editing the file, and then convert or
>> live with it.
> How would this create mixed tabbing unless sometimes they are using 
> spaces as tabs and sometimes using tabs as tabs? Will stopping the use 
> of tabs improve the situation or will that just mean that some people 
> use four spaces for indention and some people use eight.. 


Once again:
They use tabs but they want to do 4 space indentation.
That means they use a tab when it fits, and 4 spaces when not...

def mixed_tabs():
....if blah: # this is 4 spaces
--------pass # this is one tab

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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