is perl better?

Mel Wilson mwilson at
Fri Mar 5 15:49:00 EST 2004

In article <mailman.28.1078507301.19534.python-list at>,
"jon c" <jon_couchman at> wrote:
>>>well the cammand is
>>>java -hotspot -showversion ...... -classpath loads of entries
>>>the total string is 6809 characters long.
>>>I do not know the allowed character length (I am using windows 2000)
>>>but perl just runs the command fine, whereas python results in
>>>The following character string is too long:
>>Is that coming from Windows or Python?  If the latter, give us the full
>>exception message, which will say from where in Python.  Also, try putting
>>the long string in a .bat file and running the .bat file by itself and then
>>from Python.
>>Terry J. Reedy
>the error is coming from windows!
>the error message is as I wrote it.
>if you try and execute the command directly from bat you get the error input
>line too long!
>can perl be somehow bypassing the windows terminal and running the command
>directly (does this make sense?)

Avoiding the command line might help.  This runs in WinNT 4:

import os

command = r'e:\bin\python23\python.exe'

pid = os.spawnv (os.P_WAIT, command
                , [command, '']
                    + ['arg-%d'%(i,) for i in xrange (1000)]

import sys

argc = len (sys.argv)
print "Called with %d arguments" % (argc,)
for i in xrange (min (3, argc)):
    print "%d\t%s" % (i, sys.argv[i])
for i in xrange (max (3, argc-3), argc):
    print "%d\t%s" % (i, sys.argv[i])

Called with 1001 arguments
1       arg-0
2       arg-1
998     arg-997
999     arg-998
1000    arg-999

        Regards.        Mel.

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