Extreme Newbie, HELP! :)

43fan sleap at pennswoods.net
Tue Mar 2 10:41:47 EST 2004

Not only a newbie, but an extreme newbie here, and at this point, really
only have one application that I need to use Python for.  This is in
Paintshop Pro, version 8.

Where I work, we regularly take photos of material as we're progressing
through a job. These photos are named(and stored) according to a specific
naming process.  What happens now is, one person takes the photos and
downloads the images to a folder, usually having to rotate the image 90deg
one way or the other.   Then, another person renames the files and moves
them to the appropriate folder.

Since the name of the file(and actually the folder it's to be located in)
follows a strict set of rules, the person that's doing the dowloading could
save them in the proper place, with the proper name.  However, this could be
one of several people, and I'd like to be able to automate the process.

If there's a way that I can ask the user a series of approx. 4 questions, I
can determine the location the file should be in, and the name it should be,
based on the answers to those questions.  That's basically all I want to do.
:)  Have them open the downloaded file in PSP 8(or an earlier version if it
supports it), run the script which would ask the series of questions, then
save the file in the appropriate folder, with the appropriate name.

Any help????

PS - please excuse the nick, I post in a racing ng as well. :)

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