new python syntax: concatenation of functions

F. Petitjean littlejohn.75 at
Thu Mar 11 17:36:44 EST 2004

On 11 Mar 2004 10:24:14 -0800, Bob Lancaster <boblancaster at> wrote:
> Uwe Mayer <merkosh at> wrote in message news:<c2pj49$ej3$1 at>...
> (4) For my personal style, I don't like to use constructs that are too
> esoteric.  I tend to avoid the tertiary operator in C++, and I tend
> not to get fancy with the 'and' and 'or' operators in Python.  It
> makes code more readable and maintainable, IMO.  Any programmer who
> writes code without any thought to code maintainance is doing the
> employer or client a disservice.
Like this ?
(extract from a direct translation of C code into python
Nore also this snippet is nested into three while conditions of a method)
                  while charNo < self._cols:
                        charNo += 1
                        ch =
                        cond = ((ch != '\n') and not(ch==FF and
self._doFFs) and (ch != ''))
                        if not cond:

                        if ord(ch) >= 32 and ord(ch) <= 127:
                            if ch == '(' or ch == ')' or ch == '\\':
How to understand the deep nested, mostly negative parts of condition
cond ? and the test is   if not cond:  which will be equivalent to ...
So, hmmm,.. I need some sleep...


Ce qui se conçoit bien s'énonce clairement,
Et les mots pour le dire viennent aisément.
      Boileau Despréaux  (l'Art Poétique)

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