optparse variable parsing?

CJ Kucera python at apocalyptech.com
Mon Mar 8 18:26:39 EST 2004

Hello, list!

I'm wondering if it's possible to have an option with optparse function
as either a true/false option, or optionally use a supplied value when
it's provided.

For example, let's say that I'm writing a util to add a user to some
system.  By default, the program would assign a random password:

> $ adduser.py
> Assigned password: <blah>

If the user specifies "-p", the program would prompt for a password

> $ adduser.py -p
> Pass:
> Confirm:

And then it'd be great to be able to pass in a hashed value and have
the program use that instead:

> $ adduser.py -p\$1\$KgM/m2Ys\$.o0sbvwHddeKMCKJdfcMJ0

Is something like that possible with optparse?



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