"print" as function not statement

Leif K-Brooks eurleif at ecritters.biz
Mon Mar 8 02:32:00 EST 2004

Paul Prescod wrote:
>         As a convenience, if the show function is passed a
>         single object to show, it returns that object. If
>         it is passed more then one, it returns them as a
>         tuple. This can be very convenient in debugging
>         contexts.

That would lead to a problem with the interactive shell, though. For 
instance, this would happen:

 >>> show('foo')

I'm sure there would be some way around that, but it might add more 
oddities to the language than print does.

In any case, I did a quick Python implementation of the show function. 
All bugs are features. :-)

import sys

def show(*objects, **parameters):
     seperator = parameters.get('seperator', ' ')
     trailer = parameters.get('trailer', '\n')
     to = parameters.get('to', sys.stdout)
     first = 1
     for object in objects:
         if not first:
         first = 0
     if len(objects) == 1:
         return objects[0]
         return objects

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