OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Wed Mar 10 17:48:51 EST 2004

In article <99dce321.0403101234.49d7f9f5 at posting.google.com>,
David M. Wilson <dw-google.com at botanicus.net> wrote:
>"David M. Cook" <davecook at nowhere.net> wrote...
>> Python lacks access controls (private/protected etc), though you can
>> use __ name munging.
>In an entirely speculative tone, is this correct? I thought new-style
>objects supported protected attributes and such via properties. This
>might be completely incorrect, my head has been like a sieve for the
>last few months. :(

Thing is, in order to store data with a property, there needs to
eventually be a real Python object -- anyone with access to the source
can figure out how to get to it.  Heck, they can just modify the source.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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