Package importing question

Nick Patavalis npat at
Tue Mar 9 21:47:15 EST 2004

In article <c2l8n5$sqa$1 at>, Daniel Dittmar wrote:
> Because all sub modules of package p0 get inserted into the module 
> object for p0. This is so that a later import of p0.m1 won't 
> import/execute it again. And you did import p0.m1 through the 'import 
> m1' in m0.

Yes, but according to this, why doesn't 'sys' show up when I do:


After all, I did imported sys through import p0.m0 ????

What if I did something like this:

>From the main I do:

  import p0

>From within p0.m0 I do

  import p1.m1

Latter from main I do

  import p1

will 'm1' show-up in dir(p1)?

What I tend to understand is this: When I import a module, some kind
of dictionary is created for it and a binding to this dictionary is
created in the dictionary of the importing module. So after an import
p0.m0, the situation is like this:

        |     |
        |     V
 main   |     p0
 +-+    |    +-+
 | |    |    | |
 |*|----+    | |
 | |         |*|--+
 | |         +-+  |
 +-+              |
                 | |
                 | |
                 +-+  |

After an import m1, from within p0.m0, I would expect things to be
like this:

        |     |
        |     V
 main   |     p0
 +-+    |    +-+
 | |    |    | |
 |*|----+    | |
 | |         |*|--+
 | |         +-+  |
 +-+              |     
                 | |       |
                 |*|--+    V
                 +-+  |    m1
                      |   +-+
                      V   | |
                      f0  | |
                          |*|----> f0

But what you say, and what seems to be the case in reality, is:

        |     |
        |     V
 main   |     p0
 +-+    |    +-+
 | |    |    |*|---------------+
 |*|----+    | |               |
 | |         |*|--+            |
 | |         +-+  |            |
 +-+              |            |
                  V            |
                  m0           |
                 +-+           |
                 |*|-------+   |
                 | |       |   |
                 |*|--+    V   |
                 +-+  |    m1<-+
                      |   +-+
                      V   | |
                      f0  | |
                          |*|----> f0

So the first obvious question is how was m0 able to find the p0
dictionary and the binding to m1? Am I getting something totally
wrong so far?


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