Python as replacement for PHP?

Ville Vainio ville at
Thu Mar 4 02:09:54 EST 2004

>>>>> "R" == R Rajesh Jeba Anbiah <ng4rrjanbiah at> writes:

    R> [Well, this time I have decided to troll -- all because of

Ok, I get the drift.

    >> Can you tell me exactly what the PHP fwrite function did when I
    >> passed it an integer? Can you tell me how many PHP programmers
    >> test "(strlen($to_write) == fwrite($fp, $to_write))"?

    R> Ok...understand. idiot-proof?

So type safety means idiot-proofing? What do you gain by allowing
obvious errors to be silently ignored?

When a third-party library returns an object you didn't expect in
writing your code, you would surely want to know? I do.

    >> - In the specific instance of database connectivity, Python is
    >> far superior, in terms of intuitiveness, security, safety, and
    >> so on.  Python database APIs are built in a way that protects
    >> you by default.

    R> Perhaps, idiots' own language?

You still realize this is crossposted to, right? Kindergarten
tactics don't erally work all that well here. Some observer of this
discussion might draw some conclusions about which one of the
languages is the "idiot's own language"...

    >> How easy is it to improve on both these examples to add proper
    >> error handling? Again, Python wins hands down for elegance,
    >> conciseness, and obviousness.

    R> Yes, agreed. Idiots' language.

Yes, elegance is indeed for idiots. True r0xx0r h4xxx0rz use PHP,
because it's so cryptic and looks cool because n00bs can't understand

    R> comp.lang.php is not the right place for you to show your
    R> stupidity. You should consider stripping headers as many other

Neither is Actually, we have remarkably few idiots in

I don't know why I'm replying - your post kinda speaks for itself.

Ville Vainio

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