Need better string methods

Robert Brewer fumanchu at
Sun Mar 7 16:16:22 EST 2004

benjamin schollnick wrote:
> David MacQuigg <dmq at> wrote:
> > The resistance will come from people who throw at us little bits and
> > pieces of code that can be done more easily in their chosen CPL.
> > 
> David,
>    I think your coming at this too much like a programmer...  |-)
>    Your right, this is tooo complex for a non-programmer to expect
> to simply use...
>    So redefine the problem, or look at it from a 90 degree angle.
>    If making the users understand the syntax is to complex, than
> redefine the syntax.
>    Define a set of commands, and make them function wrappers around
> your code.
> > line = "..../bgref/stats.stf| SPICE | 3.2.7  | John    Anderson  \n"
>    I am assuming your running into these lines on a regular basis, so
> make a wrapper around your python function...  Call it "Cleanup" or
> "Parse_bar_line_string" or something that makes sense to your
> users, and have them call that function....

Well said. Even though you (David) are ostensibly providing coding
tools, you need to approach it from an interface-design point-of-view.
That is, you need to find the perfect balance between power and
simplicity, then throw that estimate away and dumb it down by a factor
of 10 (for non-engineers, 100 ;). Most people don't want more expressive
tools; a sure way to burn yourself out is trying to provide them. Find
the smallest set of actions your users can get by with, then build,
test, listen!, improve. Repeat as necessary. Bask in job security.


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