How To capture an id into an array..

Balaji balaji at
Mon Mar 29 12:32:42 EST 2004

Thanks for all the initial help....

Sorry for bugging you again...

Here is a part of my code..

Suppose if some body wants to assign an e=E() to an expression class..

he may define then e=v+v1(where v and v1 both belong to a variable class)

now again if we define say v2=V() and then try to multiply v2 with e then I want
to raise an error that it is a nonlinear term..

So  what I though was if i keep track of all the instances id then I might raise
an exception...

But the problem was i couldnt check the right side of an assigment...

Can the right side of an assignment be checked...
class E:
    def __init__(self):
        print "E",id(self)
    def __add__(self,e2):
        e = E()
        e.operator = '+'
        e.left = self
        e.right = e2
        return e
    def __sub__(self,e2):
        e = E()
        e.operator = '-'
        e.left = self
        e.right = e2
        return e

    def __mul__(self,m2):
        e = E()
        e.operator = '*'
        e.left = self
        e.right = m2
        return e
    def __div__(self,d1):
        e = E()
        e.operator = '/'
        e.left = self
        e.right = d1
        return e
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.left) + self.operator + str(self.right)
class V(E):
    """ This is a variable for MPY"""
    def __init__(self):
        print id(self)
        self.val = None
    def __mul__(self,m2):
              if self.__class__ == m2.__class__:
                  return "non"
                   e.operator = '*'
                   e.left = self
                   e.right = m2
                   return e
--- Balaji

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