Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics

John Hunter jdhunter at
Mon Mar 15 22:32:06 EST 2004

>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Muller <rick_muller at> writes:

    Rick>    Disadvantages: Need to rewrite some of the uglier code
    Rick> (which probably needs to be rewritten anyway) that uses
    Rick> GTK.GLArea. Still requires a long list of modules to be
    Rick> installed. And GTK still is not a standard library outside
    Rick> of Linux.

I went this route and never regretted it, but my code base was
probably smaller than yours is.

As for win32: you're right, a GTK/GTKGLEXT install is 4 windows
installers (GTK-Runtime, pygtk, gtkglext and pygtkglext) and a PATH
setting. This is a pain.  I distribute an app that requires all of
these (internally at work, not open source yet) and have yet to find a
user that can get it right w/o help, despite a kind and patient README
and diagnostic test file (it also requires mysql, vtk and more so it's
not just the GTK* stuff).  However, you could roll your own installer
or py2exe freeze your app.

For OS X, all of the above work.  I installed GTK* from src, but I
suspect most of your users won't :-).  In a few months time, I suspect
there will be some good python framework extensions that include GTK
for OS X.

linux with all of the above is easy.  I think rolling your own
installer or freezing for win32 is easier than trying to maintain a
dead package (

+1 port to gtk.glext


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