dictionary wart

Jonathan Daugherty cygnus at cprogrammer.org
Thu Mar 18 09:51:43 EST 2004

# That's a good point - thanks.
# I think I will do it that way - but I still think it is a feature 
# lacking from the core language.

It's not lacking from the "core" language.  It was just shown that it
is, in fact, something you can accomplish by using the "core"

Python isn't ruby; so don't compare them.

    _  ,^.  _    
  ,'/ -' '- \`.  
 / |   \ /   | \   Jonathan Daugherty
|  |   | |   |  |
|   \_,' `._/   |  http://www.cprogrammer.org
|               |
 \             / 
  `.         .'  

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