Sending bulk email from a Python script

Cameron Laird claird at
Mon Mar 8 19:57:29 EST 2004

In article <2004030818081575249%cs1spw at bathacuk>,
Simon Willison  <cs1spw at> wrote:
>On 2004-03-08 16:42:57 -0600, Steve Lamb <grey at> said:
>>     Install Mailman and make the list postable only by you.  :P
>We've already looked at mailman and a number of other packages. None of 
>them fit our requirements as we need to be able to tie the list 
>administration in to our existing user authentication / admin control 
>panel, plus we want to tie the email lists to our membership databases. 
>We've got most of the other infrastructure already, we just need an 
>efficient way of sending out bulk emails to a large list of addresses.
Give us a notion of scope.  Does "large list" mean to you a thousand?
Hundred thousand?  Ten million?  How often are you sending out e-mail?

I'm likely to conclude this is more about SMTP than Python.

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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