Best way to run ipython inside of emacs shell?

Equis Uno ir4u4 at
Mon Mar 8 01:29:36 EST 2004


I just figured out how to run python inside of emacs:

I use meta-x shell to start a shell and then once I see a shell
prompt I enter the python command and I get a well-behaved python
shell inside of emacs.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to run ipython inside of emacs.

When I run the ipython shell command inside of an emacs shell it
does not act very clean (the prompt is messy looking).

So I put two files in my /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ dir:


I got both files from

I'm not sure what to do next.

So far I've tried this:

-run meta-x ipython while inside of a shell buffer
-run meta-x ipython while inside of a shell buffer which is running ipython
-run meta-x ipython while inside of a python-mode buffer

All three of the above ideas obviously don't work.

Please post some clues.



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