"The Python Robot" is going mad ?

Eric @ Zomething eric at zomething.com
Tue Mar 23 10:29:55 EST 2004

Robert wrote:
> These numbers a going to cause substantial server cost. Why does "The Python
> Robot" need to scan my pages 20 times a day? How can I cool down this
> special bot a little bit ( robots.txt ? )

If whomever is running that reads your message, perhaps they can contact you directly to work out how not to tax your site.

I assume "The Python Robot" is the User Agent.  If that bot is written to follow a robots.txt directive, it should work to amend your robots.txt file to disallow it.  However, your server should also be able to deny it access, if you need to go that approach.  I seem to recall that is not too hard with Apache; if you are on Apache I think you can find the info you need sopmewhere around here:  http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/mod_setenvif.html#browsermatch

Eric Pederson

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