Upgrade 2.2.2 to 2.3.3: Keep my old 3rd party modules or rebuild them or reinstall from scratch?

Ray Schumacher rays at blue-cove.com
Fri Mar 5 20:15:27 EST 2004

At 01:47 PM 3/5/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>I'd like to upgrade to 2.3.3, mostly to use VPython. I have a lot of
>stuff not in the standard distro,
>VPython, PIL, wxPython, eGenix tools, etc. How much of this stuff can I
>still use as is, i.e. just copying over the 2.2 site-lib stuff to the
>2.3 site-lib stuff? What will I have to rebuild? TIA

I just re-installed new for PIL and wx, Numeric etc. but some of my stuff 
for video capture has no version for 2.3x and no source, so I had to stick 
with 2.2 on my astronomy computer.
Hopefully you won't find the same...


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