py2exe - omitting DLLs (not Python extensions!) from the distribution

Chris Liechti cliechti at
Mon Mar 8 16:03:02 EST 2004

Paul Moore <pf_moore at> wrote in news:1xo3yt01.fsf at

> I am wrapping it up into an EXE using py2exe - the result is very
> nice, and easy to distribute. However, the dependency tracking picks
> up OCI.dll as a dependency of cx_Oracle. Now, OCI.dll is actually an
> Oracle-supplied DLL, part of the Oracle client. I definitely *don't*
> want to include this in my built distribution, as it depends on the
> version of the Oracle client installed, and this may differ between
> the build machine and the target machine.
> I've tried the --exclude option, but this doesn't work (probably as
> OCI.dll isn't a Python module).

see the flowing link for a way to pass options to py2exe 0.5:

then add an option
    	"dll_excludes" = ["OCI.dll"],


Chris <cliechti at>

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