Examples of using the html parser

Ng Pheng Siong ngps at netmemetic.com
Thu Mar 4 10:41:01 EST 2004

According to Boogie El Aceitoso  <frr149 at telefonica.net>:
> Were can I find examples of the usege of the html parser class?

M2Crypto has an example in demo/ssl/sess.py. Here's the docstring:

"""M2Crypto.SSL.Session client demo: This program requests a URL from 
a HTTPS server, saves the negotiated SSL session id, parses the HTML 
returned by the server, then requests each HREF in a separate thread 
using the saved SSL session id."""

Note that the code simply instantiates a parser and feeds it the HTML; it
doesn't apply any parsing-related callback.

Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at netmemetic.com> 

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