Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?

Anthony Liu antonyliu2002 at
Fri Mar 5 21:16:34 EST 2004

I am kinda new to Python, but not new to programming. 
I am a certified Java programmer.

I don't want to read line after line, neither do I
want to read the whole file all at once.  Thus none of
read(), readline(), readlines() is what I want. I want
to read a text file sentence by sentence. 

A sentence by definition is roughly the part between a
full stop and another full stop or !, ?

So, for example, for the following text:

"Some words here, and some other words. Then another
segment follows, and more. This is a question, a junk
question, followed by a question mark?"

It has 3 sentences (2 full stops and 1 question mark),
and therefore I want to read it in 3 lumps and each
lump gives me one complete sentence as follows:

lump 1: Some words here, and some other words.

lump 2: Then another segment follows, and more.

lump 3: This is a question, a junk question, followed
by a question mark?

How can I achieve this?  Do we have a readsentence()

Please give a hint.  Thank you!

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