Specific question about readlines versus xreadlines

Pernell Williams pernell.h.williams.nospam at intel.com
Wed Mar 17 19:21:44 EST 2004

Hi all:

Thank you for your responses. I have a more specific question about
"file.seek() and file.readline()" versus "file.seek() and file.xreadlines".

When I have the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

#opening the file for reading

str = 'myShortFile'

file = open(str, 'r')

counter = 0

#outer loop using file.readline

while 1:

  line = file.readline()

  if line == '':


  data = line

  print data


# end while

And the input file is:




The above code with the readline statement is:


In other words, the code reads the first line of the file, goes to position
12 (which is the end of the last line of the file), and then during the
second iteration of the while loop, the position of the file is at 12.

Now, with xreadlines(), it is a different story. I have this code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

#opening the file for reading

str = 'myShortFile'

file = open(str, 'r')

counter = 0

#outer loop using file.xreadlines

for line in file.xreadlines():

  data = line

  print data


# end while

and if I have the same input file as above, I get this output:




In other words, even though I have the "file.seek(12)" statement in the
loop, the position is NOT changed to 12 during the 2nd iteration of the
while loop.

Is there ANYTHING I can do in this "xreadlines()" loop to make it go to
position 12 in the second iteration?

Thanks for your help!


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