cgi lib question

Gandalf gandalf at
Thu Mar 18 09:50:14 EST 2004

  Hi All!

I'm using IIS with Python (as an ActiveScript language). I would like to 
upload files with multipart/form-data.
Here is my code:

length = Request.TotalBytes
data = Request.BinaryRead(length)
f = cStringIO.StringIO(data[0])
values = cgi.parse_multipart(f,header)

And the HTML code:

    <form name="frmSend" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" 
    File 1: <input name=attach1 type=file size=35><br>
    File 2: <input name=attach2 type=file size=35><br>
    File 3: <input name=attach3 type=file size=35><br>
    File 4: <input name=attach4 type=file size=35><br>
    <input style="margin-top:4" type=submit value="Upload">

It works well when I upload text files (Content type:text/plain). 
However, it raises an exception when I try to upload a binary file 
Here is the message:

Python ActiveX Scripting Engine (0x80020009)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<Script Block >", line 26, in ? 
values = cgi.parse_multipart(f,header) File "D:\Python23\lib\", 
line 250, in parse_multipart raise ValueError, ('Invalid boundary in 
multipart form: %s' ValueError: Invalid boundary in multipart form: ''

Is it a bug in the cgi module? What did I wrong? Thanks.


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