A 'Python like' language

David MacQuigg dmq at gain.com
Fri Mar 26 16:54:51 EST 2004

On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 16:42:54 +0000, Peter Hickman
<peter at semantico.com> wrote:

>Well after all this discussion it would appear that a 'Python like' 
>language has appeared => Prothon. http://www.prothon.org/index.html
>Very alpha, sort of like Python (if you consider the indenting is what 
>makes Python unique) and sort of Ruby in its use of prefixes to define 
>scoping etc (although there is no reference to this trait being borrowed 
>from Ruby). It also quotes Self as being an influence.

What I found most interesting about this language is that it *doesn't
use classes* !!  All objects are derived directly from other objects,
some of which are "prototypes", that is, objects which were designed
to be just templates to produce other objects.

I downloaded the interpreter, and it installed flawlessly on my XP
machine!  I ran through the examples from their webpage, and they
worked as shown!  As I am generating objects from prototypes, I am
thinking - How can this be so simple?  Surely we must need classes for
something.  What about static methods?  Is all of this just cruft in

The torture never stops. :>)

-- Dave

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