About a plugin framework!

Simon Roses Femerling simonroses at granisla.com
Tue Jun 8 04:40:41 EDT 2004

Dear pythonnians :)

Hopeful somebody can help me about implementing plugin support.

I'm working on a python/wxpython app that needs plugin support. My problem is:

The way my app works is a python module (plugin) that contains (imbedded) XML defining
the classname and some extra information and the app will be load the module using the classname:


------ mymodule.py ----

__xml__ ="""

class Test:
    def Msg(self):
        print "Hello"


--- MyApp.py -----------

fp = open(f)            
 exec(fp) in globals()
str = __xml__
pxml = parsexml.ParseXML()
cn = pxml.GetClassname()
mymod = cn()   <-- Here is the error


The error is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "blackout.py", line 503, in onAttackMod
    mymod = cn()
TypeError: 'unicode' object is not callable

Any suggestions ? How can achieve this ?
Each module (plugin) can have a different class name defined in the XML data.

Besides this anyone have suggestions for a better plugin framework ? Maybe using imp module to dynamically import
modules ?

Any examples ?

Thx for any help!


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