thread help

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Jun 15 19:14:32 EDT 2004

Roger Binns wrote:

> In the simplest case you can just make all your threads be
> daemon.  Python will shutdown when there are no non-daemon
> threads left, so you can just exit your main loop and all
> will shutdown.  However that means the worker threads just
> get abruptly stopped in the middle of what they were
> doing.
> (IMHO it would be *really* nice if Python provided a way
> to interrupt threads).

Sounds like you can't eat your cake and have it, too.  If
you _could_ interrupt threads**, wouldn't that mean "the worker
threads just get abruptly stopped in the middle of what they
were doing"?


** There is a way to interrupt threads in Python now, but
it requires an extension routine, or perhaps something with
ctypes.  Findable in the archives for this newsgroup/list.

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