simple script to read and output Mailbox body to file.

Chuck Amadi chuck at
Wed Jun 9 06:46:45 EDT 2004

Hi again

I get output desired .Now to parse the fileobject  and all body messages to an 
external File named SurveyResults.txt
Is this the correct way to go about it .

for mail in mbox:
#       body = mail.get_payload()
#       bodies.append(body)
#       msg = mail.message_from_file(mail)
        print 'mail'
        print mail['Subject']
        print mail.get_content_type()#text/plain
        print mail.get_payload()
#        break # just look at one message
# The File SurveyResults.txt must all ready exist.
output = open("SurveyResults.txt", 'w') # mode 'w' means open the file for 
writ-ing (any data already in the file will be erased)
mailout = mail.get_payload()
output. writelines(mailout)

output. close() # this is at end of the script

Here's my error but I thought mail is my file

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 37, in ?
    mailout = mail.get_payload()
NameError: name 'mail' is not defined

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