Python interceptor package

Dominic nomail at
Thu Jun 17 06:09:36 EDT 2004

I've attached two source fragments which
I had used to wrap/intercept objects.
"weave" can be used to plug between an
object (like a proxy).
It temporarily  modifies "self" so that even
method calls inside an object can
be trapped from the outside.
(Sorry could not find a use
case and I'm too lazy to write one
right now.)
The "trace_all" just wraps functions
inside a module.
Well, it probably won't help you much.
But who knows. Maybe you come up with an
idea :-)



def weave(delegate, into, for_):
         class X(object):
             def __getattribute__(self, key):
		    def wrapper(*args,**kargs):
		      class XX(object):
			      def __getattribute__(self, key):
				      if getattr(delegate, key, None):
					      return getattr(delegate, key)
					      return getattr(into, key)
			      def __setattr__(self, key, value):
				      if getattr(delegate, key, None):
					      setattr(delegate, key, value)
					      setattr(into, key, value)
		      return getattr(into.__class__,key).im_func(XX(), *args, **kargs)

		    if key in for_:                         # catch attribute
			if getattr(into, key, None):        #
				return getattr(into, key)   #
	            	    	return wrapper              # catch method
		    elif getattr(delegate, key, None):
			return getattr(delegate, key)
			return getattr(into, key)
	    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
		    print key, value
		    setattr(into, key, value)

	return X()


# wrap stuff here
from trace import trace_all
trace_all('fork', locals())


@file ../prototype/

indent = 0
hash = {}

def trace(name, f):
	def wrapper(*args,**kargs):
		global indent, hash
		print "     "*indent + "%s:%s(%s,%s)" % (name, f.func_name, args, kargs)
		indent = indent + 1
		result = f(*args,**kargs)
		indent = indent - 1
		hash[name] = hash.get(name,{})
		hash[name][f.func_name] = hash[name].get(f.func_name,0) + 1
		return result
	return wrapper

from types import FunctionType

def trace_all(name, d):
	for k,v in d.items():
		if type(v) == FunctionType and k != 'trace_all' and v.func_doc != 
			#print "Wrap %s" % k
			d[k] = trace(name, v)

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