can i define a new method at runtime?

Larry Bates lbates at
Sun Jun 20 09:14:10 EDT 2004

You are close.  Try something like

def verifyInteger(x):
     except ValueError :
        message(x," needs to be an integer")

In a dictionary put keys (controlNames) and
pointers to what function (or method) to call
for that controlName.

verifiers={'controlName1': verifyInteger,
           'controlName2': verifyFloat,
           'controlNameN': veryfySomething}

In your program call the function from the
dictionary as follows:


This works because the result of the getting
verifiers[controlName] is a pointer to a
function instead of a value.  This pointer
has a call method, so you can just put the
arguments after it.

Larry Bates
Syscon, Inc.

"Raoul" <raoulsam at> wrote in message
news:7b22ae5b.0406181049.479d1a61 at
> I have a GUI application where I want to assign validation methods to
> controls.
> If my control myTextBox has a change() event for on change and I want
> to make it verify the input is an integer I could do...
> def myTextBox.change():
>    verifyInteger(myTextBox.Value)
> def verifyInteger(x):
>    try:
>       string.atoi(x.value)
>    except ValueError :
>       message(x," needs to be an integer")
>       x.setFocus()
> but i have literally hundreds of these things to do....
> I'd like to be able to say somethign like
> myTextBox.change = lambda x : verifyInteger(x)
> so when i initialize my form i'd like to run through a list that looks
> like
> "verifyInteger"]
> but i can't seem to make this work.
> I've tried to use exec("def foo = lambda x: do something....")
> but that doesn't seem to work....
> Got any ideas ???

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