how to become a really good Python programmer?

David MacQuigg dmq at
Wed Jun 16 11:20:31 EDT 2004

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 01:06:41 -0500, Randall Smith <randall at>

>I've been programming in Python for about 2 years.  I think it offers 
>the best combination of simplicity and power of any language I have 
>explored.  As I write more and larger and complex programs, I need to 
>code better.  By better I mean clearer, cleaner, more efficient and 
>maintainable.  As the subject states, I want to become a really good 
>Python programmer.  I learn most everything from random examples and 
>experience and that's good, but now I would like some sound, directed 
>guidance.  Following Guido around would be ideal, but I will settle for 
>a good book.  Any recommendations for learning resources?

My favorite book on good programming, not Python specifically, but an
accumulation of decades of experience, is The Art of Unx Programming,
by Eric Raymond.  If you are doing anything with user interfaces, read
The Inmates are Running the Asylum, by Alan Cooper.

-- Dave

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