Keyword arguments and user-defined dictionaries

Greg Chapman glc at
Fri Jun 25 13:07:06 EDT 2004

On 24 Jun 2004 11:38:44 -0700, sjdevnull at (G. S. Hayes) wrote:

>Yeah, I have a .explode() method that tells the dictionary to
>de-Lazify everything; that's basically what (**dict)(mydict) would do,
>except passing as dict(mydict) would de-Lazify every function call and
>.explode() just once (though .explode would keep the exploded values
>in memory and dict(mydict) would toss them after the function

You could do something like:

def CallWithLazy(func, lazydict):
    if isinstance(func, types.MethodType):
        firstarg = 1  # don't want to try to de-Lazify self arg
        firstarg = 0
    code = func.func_code
    for name in code.co_varnames[firstarg:code.co_argcount]:
        lazydict[name] #or whatever is necessary to de-lazify
    return func(**lazydict)

Greg Chapman

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