FTP, Proxy and urllib2

fishboy fishboy at spamspamspam.com
Tue Jun 8 05:11:37 EDT 2004

On Tue, 08 Jun 2004 09:05:38 +0200, Martin Brodbeck <dg2smb at gmx.de>

>John J. Lee wrote:
>Hi John,
>> I think you need to use ftplib.  urllib2 is for fetching files, not
>> uploading them (unless there's some obscure feature of ftp URLs that
>> allows it).
>> Use ftplib.
>Ok, but what if there is a proxy between the client and the ftp server? 
>Can ftplib handle this? How?

ftplib wont work with a proxy.  

I'm assuming you mean a HTTP proxy for FTP like Squid.  In which case,
you might get it work using an HTTP PUT command through urllib2.py.

PUT isn't part of urllib :|

But searching for 'urllib python http put'I found this
Which uses urllib/urllib2.  And urllib will work through a proxy.

So it's not inconceivable that you could get something to work.

Personally, I'd just ssh tunnel to a machine outside and forward a
port from there.  But I have an ssh fixation.


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