Combined natural and unnatural list sorting

Derek Basch dbasch at
Tue Jun 15 17:38:22 EDT 2004

Hello All,

I need to sort a list using an unnatural sequence.

I have a list like so:

foo = ["White/M", "White/L", "White/XL", "White/S", "Black/S", "Black/M"]

print foo.sort()

['White/L', 'White/M', 'White/S', 'White/XL', 'Black/M', 'Black/S']

The order that I actually need is:

["White/S","White/M", "White/L", "White/XL", "Black/S", "Black/M"]

So, in other words, I need the colors sorted alphabetically and the the sizes
sorted logically.

I looked for a while at using comparison functions with sort but I don't think
that will work. Anyone been down this road? Suggestions?

Thanks a million,

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