Which is the most mature Soap module?

Mickel Grönroos mickel at csc.fi
Fri Jun 4 08:38:32 EDT 2004

On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, John J Lee wrote:

> > 2. Is there a way to use cookie authentification with SOAPpy
> > (client-side)?
> Yes, no reason why not to use my ClientCookie package to do that, but I
> don't know from memory exactly where you need to insert the required code
> in SOAPpy.

Do you mean subclassing SOAPpy and changing the places where it uses
urllib to talk to the server? (This might be totally off target -- I've
been browsing the code in SOAPpy and I'm getting confused ...)

> I'm slightly surprised if SOAP needs cookie handling, but not
> entirely, since I know it is required for some XML-RPC services.

I don't think SOAP needs cookies for anything. My problem is that the SOAP
server for upload is only available if I have a certain cookie that I
can send to the web server in the http header, i.e. the web server won't
let me through to the SOAP server unless I can supply the cookie first.

> I might have a look this weekend, but don't promise.

If you have the time, that would be much appreciated!

Have a nice weekend,


Mickel Grönroos, application specialist, linguistics, Research support, CSC
PL 405 (Tekniikantie 15 a D), 02101 Espoo, Finland, phone +358-9-4572237
CSC is the Finnish IT center for science, www.csc.fi

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