Python Magazine exists! (was: Python intro questions)

Mark mark at
Sun Jun 27 18:16:32 EDT 2004

Hello Erik,

>> I honestly find your characterzation very unfair. Regarding payment to
>> the
>> Python Software Foundation this is what I wrote:
> 	...
>> I take full responsibility and will get an email by Monday *and you
>> will be paid* latest by Wednesday if you have a Paypal account. Sorry.
> Seems like it's a little silly to call his characterization unfair when
> he hasn't even been paid yet.  (Now, he himself doesn't worry too much
> about getting paid, that's not why he did it, but surely the most
> fundamental contract between a writer and his publisher is that the
> writer actually gets paid for it.)

Please reread the explanation at the top of my previous email. Because 
not sure you did.

The original "contract" was that Py did not pay for article submissions.

When we took over publication we had a mix of articles covered by the
"old contract" i.e. no payment and those that we contacted authors to 

In the case of Py 5 it was a mix of articles and the primary goal was 
not to see the work
of these authors go to waste (that articles not be published at all)

In individual cases were articles had to be rewritten or heavily 
updated (in some cases these articles had been submitted almost 2 years 
ago and needed some serious work) we were willing to pay these articles 
according to the new terms even thought these articles had been 
submitted (without expectation of payment) to the previous publisher.

So the first real issue that we produced, commissioned authors to write 
(and be paid for) was Issue 6.

But I agree wholeheartedly with you that authors should be paid for 
their work and disagree
for example with other sentiments raised on this mailinglist that 
authors should be expected
to be happy to write about Python for free.



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