[ANN] pyparsing 1.2 released

Paul McGuire ptmcg at austin.rr._bogus_.com
Sun Jun 20 22:39:01 EDT 2004

pyparsing version 1.2 contains the following new features (since release
- asXML() method added to ParseResults class to simplify creation of XML
  from parsed text
- transformString() method added to ParserElement for performing text
  substitutions of matching text patterns
- new support for whitespace-significant grammars (White() class and
  retention of tab characters in input string)
- added parseFile() convenience method to simplify parsing input text files
  (thanks Dang Griffith!)
- added htmlComment definition to support HTML data extraction grammars
- added/enhanced example programs:
  . fourFn.py was extended to support exponention
  . EBNF parser added (contributed by Seo Sanghyeon)
  . Delphi forms parser (contributed by Dang Griffith)
  . scanExamples.py added to provide examples of using scanString() and
  . URL extractor that scans HTML for URL references in <a href> tags
- more performance improvements

The pyparsing module can be found at http://pyparsing.sourceforge.net.

More detailed online documentation at
http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=20578&group_id=97203 .

-- Paul

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