pygarmin eTrex Legend comm problems

Robert Brewer fumanchu at
Fri Jun 4 15:57:35 EDT 2004


I realize I'm a bit over my head, here, but I'm trying to pull waypoint
data from a Garmin eTrex Legend, and having mixed success. On a Win98
box last night, I was able to connect and (after a small hack [1]) grab
the waypoints easily.

Today, trying the same procedure on a Win2k Pro, I can connect (after
more hacking [2]), but I can't get getWaypoints [3]. I've tried multiple
versions of win32all (v163 and v201) but no change.

So, here's the hacks and output:

[1] This is the hack to garmin.FormatA001. I narrowed the NameError to
simply pass over unknown protocols rather than raise an exception, so I
could (or so I thought) continue with known protocols.

def FormatA001(protocols):
   """This is here to get the list of strings returned by A001 into
    the same format as used in the ModelProtocols dictionary"""

##   try:
   phys = eval(protocols[0])
   link = eval(protocols[1])
   cmnd = eval(protocols[2])

   tuples = {"1" : None, "2" : None, "3" : None, "4" : None,
             "5" : None, "6" : None, "7" : None, "8" : None,
             "9" : None}
   last_seen = None
   for i in range(3, len(protocols)):
      p = protocols[i]
      if p[0] == "A":
         pclass = p[1]
         if tuples[pclass] == None:
            tuples[pclass] = []
         last_seen = tuples[pclass]
      except NameError:
##   except NameError:
##      print sys.exc_info()[2]
##      raise NameError, "Protocol %s not supported yet!" %
   return (None, link, cmnd, tuples["1"], tuples["2"], tuples["3"],
           tuples["4"], tuples["5"])

[2] Then, I was having problems with win32file.ReadFile not filling the
buffer. So I rewrote garmin.Win32SerialLink as follows (which got me the
protocol list from A001):

   def read(self, n):
##      buffer = win32file.AllocateReadBuffer(n)
##      rc, data = win32file.ReadFile(self.f, buffer)
##      if len(data) != n:
##         raise StandardError("time out", rc, n, map(ord, data))
##      return data
        data = ""
        while 1:
            rc, chars = win32file.ReadFile(self.f, n, None)
            data += chars
            if len(data) >= n:
            if len(chars) == 0:
                raise LinkException, "timeout"
        return data

[3] So here's the interactive output (garmin.debug = 6):

>>> from pygarmin import garmin
C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\pygarmin\ FutureWarning:
hex/oct constants > sys.maxint will return positive values in Python 2.4
and up
  ete = 0xffffffff   # Estimated time en route in seconds to next
C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\pygarmin\ FutureWarning:
hex/oct constants > sys.maxint will return positive values in Python 2.4
and up
  timeouts = 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 1000*secs, 0, 1000*secs
>>> phys = garmin.Win32SerialLink("COM1:")
>>> gps = garmin.Garmin(phys)
< packet 254 :  
(>ack) > packet   6 :  fe 00
> packet 255 :  b3 00 68 01 65 54 72 65 78 20 4c 65 67 65 6e 64 20 53 6f
66 74 77 61 72 65 20 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 33 2e 36 30 00 56 45 52 42
4d 41 50 20 41 6d 65 72 69 63 61 73 20 48 69 67 68 77 61 79 20 32 2e 30
30 00 56 45 52 53 4d 41 50 20 41 6d 65 72 69 63 61 73 20 4d 61 72 69 6e
65 20 50 4f 49 20 31 2e 30 30 00
(<ack) < packet   6 :  ff 00
id, ver, desc =  179 3.6 ['eTrex Legend Software Version 3.60', 'VERBMAP
Americas Highway 2.00', 'VERSMAP Americas Marine POI 1.00']
Get supported protocols
Try reading protocols using PCP
> packet 253 :  50 00 00 4c 01 00 41 0a 00 41 64 00 44 6c 00 41 c9 00 44
ca 00 44 6c 00 44 d2 00 41 2d 01 44 36 01 44 2d 01 41 f4 01 44 f5 01 41
58 02 44 58 02 41 bc 02 44 bc 02 41 20 03 44 20 03 41 22 03 44 22 03 41
84 03 41 86 03 41 87 03
(<ack) < packet   6 :  fd 00
Protocols reported by A001: ['P000', 'L001', 'A010', 'A100', 'D108',
'A201', 'D202', 'D108', 'D210', 'A301', 'D310', 'D301', 'A500', 'D501',
'A600', 'D600', 'A700', 'D700', 'A800', 'D800', 'A802', 'D802', 'A900',
'A902', 'A903']
>>> gps.getWaypoints()
< packet  10 :  07 00
(>ack) resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
resync - expected DLE and got something else
> packet  35 :  00 ff 00 60 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff 1e 45 26 17 87 d9 d7 ac 30 c2 2a 43 51 59 04 69 51 59 04
69 20 20 20 20 30 30 32 00 00 00 00 00 00
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\pygarmin\", line 1535, in
    return self.wptLink.getData(callback)
  File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\pygarmin\", line 372, in
  File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\pygarmin\", line 313, in
getData, cmd)
  File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\pygarmin\", line 118, in
  File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\pygarmin\", line 163, in
    raise LinkException, "Acknowledge error"
Link Error: Acknowledge error

I'm out of ideas on where to dig next. I'm not a guru when it comes to
win32. Any ideas (or outright fixes ;) would be greatly appreciated.

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at

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