SNMP Toolkit

Matthew Bell lights at
Wed Jun 23 16:32:28 EDT 2004


I'm looking for a high-performance SNMP manager toolkit (SNMPv1 / v2,
GET / GETNEXT / GETBULK) I can use with Python on Windows2K/XP.  I
wonder if anyone has got any suggestions?  Commercial software is
fine, as it's for a specialised in-house application.

I've tried PySNMP which, while a fine piece of code (I've learnt a lot
looking through it!), it's fairly CPU intensive in my application. 
I've also tried using UCDSNMP via popen() but that has a tendency to
hang in a multi-threaded environment.

So, does anyone know of a solid, multi-threading capable, fast SNMP
library with a reasonable Python interface that will run on Windows
without me needing to get my head round a C compiler to build it?  I
know I should be all manly-man and hew my own C-based SNMP library
from scratch but, basically, while I'm only a mediocre Python
programmer, the last compiled language I used was COBOL...


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