Templating engine?

Rene Pijlman reply.in.the.newsgroup at my.address.is.invalid
Sat Jun 19 06:43:16 EDT 2004

Leif K-Brooks:
>Rene Pijlman:
>> I've used Cheetah with mod_python and it worked fine:
>> http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/
>Looks interesting, but the last update was over six months ago. Any idea 
>what might be going on with it?

The mailing list is still active with people using the software. There's
nothing wrong with it as far as I can tell.

What particular functionality or fix seems to be lacking?

Well, I can think of one: I don't like the explicit compilation model. I'd
prefer some sort of automatic compilation, based on the timestamp of the
source file. So that it can be used more easily, like PHP.

René Pijlman

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