Functional test web site using python com and Internet Explorer

Chris Cottee chris.cottee at
Mon Jun 7 13:27:32 EDT 2004

   I am trying to extend PAMIE (sourceforge project to functionally
test web sites using com and python) and I wondered if anyone had done
this sort of thing before and had any pointers. My main reason for
doing this is that the website I want to test is so full of frames and
javascript that it seems painful to try to fix httpunit to be able to
cope with it. The difficulties I am having are in getting IE to behave
repeatably, handling multiple levels of frames and handling events. In
particular when I use dispatchWithEvents instead of Dispatch the IE6
gui almost seems to block (it gets much slower at any rate). Is this
to be expected ? I have used pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount() to see if
I was getting loads of references but I only have 2.


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