z80 vs Python

Janusz U. nopsoft at poczta.onet.pl
Thu Jun 24 09:59:07 EDT 2004

> I wouldn't recommend this. The standard Python interpreter is quite hefty
> (>700K dynamically linked), not to mention the standard libraries. Seeing
> as Z80 has only 64K address space, I don't see a full implementation as
> possible.

I know. Sorry, I didn't precise. I thought exactly about eZ80F91 - it's
based on Z80 but much more expanded... I will start on the module (and
deviloper kit) for that procesor. It would be  independent platform for
tests software in the Python.

> What you /could/ do would be to implement a (very) small subset of Python;
> i.e. leave out generators, new-style class, list comprehensions, ability
> to override built-in types, functions, and operators, and most of the
> standard library, then you /might/ be able to fit a language with Pythonic
> syntax in that address space.

I think to expand language by own library for Python - eg. control GPIO of
eZ80, read

> Another issue would be speed. Z80s, though they've gotten faster over the
> years, still only run at speeds on the order of 10MHz. You might be better
> off writing a Z80 compiler for a Python-esque language -- this would save
> both speed and memory.

speed 50MHz (or 20MHz in F92, F93...)

> If you can pick a different chip, go with something like a StrongARM.
> These have the power and address space necessary for Python. Plus, it's
> been done before (Python runs beautifully on modern PDAs).

I have just bought the developer kit for eZ80 so I have limited way. I'd be
happy to run Python on eZ80 platform.

Janusz U.

> If you stick with the Z80 though, you've got quite a challenge ahead of
> you - good luck! If you succeed, you'll be sure to make hackers of Game
> Boys, TI-83s, and TRS-80s everywhere deliriously happy.

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