Tkinter and "jumpiness"

klappnase klappnase at
Thu Jun 24 18:48:50 EDT 2004

Douglas Alan <nessus at> wrote in message news:<lcacyut2mt.fsf at>...

> I tried implementing your suggestion just to make sure that my
> understanding is correct, and it behaved just as I expected -- i.e.,
> it didn't work.  Is there some other more subtle usage of
> wait_visibility() that you have in mind?
Oops.......not really, I guess I've been tired.
Another idea:
have you tried the "primitive" way:

<..create other widgets...>
master.after(200, frame.pack)

or even:

<..create other widgets...>

> That's a good idea -- thanks.  I'd prefer not to modify the
> megawidget, if possible, though.  It's third-party software, and then
> I'll have to worry about backporting my changes into it whenever I get
> new distributions.  Also, the megawidget is not the only source of
> jumpiness, so it only fixes part of the problem.  Since my original
> post, I've heard rumors that one can indeed get a Tkinter frame to
> double-buffer, but I haven't quite been pointed at the how to
> accomplish that.  If that doesn't pan out, perhaps I'll have to resort
> to tweaking the megawidget, as you suggest.
Just another thought: if the megawidget's scrollbars don't work
maybe it's possible to disable them at initialization and add your own
automatic scrollbars?

> |>oug


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