2.2 <-> 2.3 surprise

Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) tdelaney at avaya.com
Sun Jun 6 20:57:48 EDT 2004

Roman Suzi wrote:

> No. But I think it was too early for 2.2 to have the feature.
> It's like having positive number addition in a version 0.1
> and fully capable addition in 0.2.

It was discovered that the 2.2 behaviour was undesireable (even a bug).
However, it was decided that there should not be a semantic change in a
2.2 bugfix.

Personally I disagree in this case, as the 2.2 behaviour is non-useful.
However, there aren't going to be any more 2.2 releases.

Tim Delaney

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