[ANN] HTMLTemplate 1.0.0

Pete Prodoehl pete.prodoehl at cygnusinteractive.com
Wed Jun 2 16:55:00 EDT 2004

has wrote:
> Pete Prodoehl <pete.prodoehl at cygnusinteractive.com> wrote in message news:<mailman.510.1086184797.6949.python-list at python.org>...
>>The nice thing about this is that once you learn the templating tags, it 
>>doesn't matter what language you use, so you could change the backend 
>>from Perl to Python and not even have to change any of your templates.
> I've heard this said before, but am curious just how much of an
> advantage it really is? I'd have thought reimplementing an entire
> backend would be a much bigger task than porting templates and a
> relatively rare occurence in practice; not sufficient in itself to
> justify learning a second language in the first place. Anyone got any
> practical experience in this and can comment?

Oh, you want *practical* experience eh? ;)

I would think the "theory" is that you've got designers/authors working 
on templates, who don't know code. They know HTML, and know CSS, but 
they do not program or know any code. You give these people templates to 
work on.

You, being a top-notch developer, can implement a system in Perl, 
Python, Ruby, PHP, etc, and as long as you stick to using the 
HTML-Template system appropriate for each language, your 
designers/authors never need to change their templates or learn Yet 
Another Templating System.

Another successful separation of logic from presentation... or so the 
theory goes... ;)


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