Why did no one invent Python before?

fishboy fishboy at spamspamspam.com
Thu Jun 3 01:02:22 EDT 2004

On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 04:26:27 GMT, Dennis Lee Bieber
<wlfraed at ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>	Now consider that for much of that period, computers were these
>big monolithic things that billed one by the second -- making
>interpreters rather expensive to run, not to mention editing on card
>	It takes computer power to process a language... Imagine having
>to pay the time used for Python, when running on a processor like my
>college mainframe (we had 1MB of core! It was a big event when we
>obtained a pair of 300MB drives to support the OS swap space). Oh, and
>terminals ran at 1200baud, monochrome, text-only.
and you had to use upload bandwidth both ways....

rats!  just remembered someone made this joke already in #twisted.


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