yes, confirm Jing Jing to me (was: BayPIGgies: June 10, 7:30pm)

Ducky Sherwood ducky at
Mon Jun 7 23:57:51 EDT 2004

Aahz wrote:

>Before the meeting, we'll continue the tradition started last month and
>meet at 6pm for dinner, somewhere around downtown Palo Alto.  Ducky
>Sherwood is handling that; please send RSVPs to ducky at
>Discussion of dinner plans is handled on the BayPIGgies mailing list.
>(I'm assuming we're going to Jing Jing again, but Ducky will post a
>correction if I'm wrong. ;-)
Just confirming that yes, we will go to Jing Jing again and that I will 
arrange the reservation.  Please RSVP to me.

It would be helpful if our headcount were a tad more reliable than last 
time; last time I had RSVPs for 16 and we ended up having more like 30.

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