Watershed Python Versions

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Mon Jun 21 11:13:56 EDT 2004

In article <du71xkbi7qg.fsf at lehtori.cc.tut.fi>,
Ville Vainio  <ville at spammers.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "Ted" == Ted  <tedlandis at rogers.com> writes:
>    Ted> I would like to collect opinions on which versions of Python
>    Ted> should be considered watershed versions. By this I mean
>    Ted> versions which are stable and contain significant landmark
>    Ted> features.
>All Python versions are (supposed to be) stable :).

More or less, yup.

>I think it's generally perceived that 2.2 is a watershed version. It's
>the introduction of "modern" Python, with iterators, generators and
>new style classes.
>2.0 might be also - 1.5.2 is the last "old" Python, and the version
>that has no doubt been irritating to many, due to Red Hat using it as
>the default Python in the old versions (pre 8.0). In fact I found
>writing for Python 1.5.2 almost intolerable, having to do without a+=1
>(writing a=a+1 instead, ah, the pain). ISTR list comprehensions were
>introduced back on 2.0 too, but I really started loving them on 2.1

That's roughly correct, although the big news in 2.0 was Unicode.  Other
critical additions were string methods, augmented assignment, and garbage
collection.  See the "What's New" section of 

Generally speaking, although all released Python versions have been
extremely stable by industry standards, my preference is to wait for the
first bugfix release of the first major version after a watershed
version.  IOW, good releases would be 2.1.x and 2.3.x.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"Typing is cheap.  Thinking is expensive."  --Roy Smith, c.l.py

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