Type checking

F. GEIGER f.geiger at vol.at
Fri Jul 2 01:52:55 EDT 2004

George, don't forget to have a look at the Traits package of scipy.


George Sakkis wrote:
> Explicit type checking is not typically seen in Python code, and usually
> that's not a big problem; most typing errors are likely to raise a TypeError
> or AttributeError sooner than later. There are cases, though, where typing
> errors are not caught (at least not early) because different classes happen
> to have methods with the same name; that's really subtle with the special
> methods like __eq__, __hash__,  etc. that are common to all (or at least
> many) classes.
> It happened to me when I was passing arguments of some type B to a function
> instead of the correct type A; these arguments were entered as keys in a
> dictionary, and since both A and B were hashable the interpreter didn't
> complain. Of course, when later I was trying to retrieve the A()s I thought
> I had entered, I couldn't find them (debugging was even harder in this case
> because B was essentially a wrapper for A and the __str__ of both classes
> was deliberately the same, so the A()s appeared to be in the dict; that's
> not the issue here though).
> I wonder if people have come up with such pitfalls in practice or I was just
> careless. In any case, I was tempted enough to write a simple extensible
> runtime type checking module, which can be handy, at least during
> development. It's extensible in the sense that a "type" can be any
> constraint, not just a python type or class. Here's an example of usage:
> def foo(name, age, children, phonebook):
>     assert TypeChecker.verify(
>         (age,             int),
>         (name,          TupleOf((str,str))),
>         (children,       ListOf(Child)),
>         (phonebook, DictOf(str, ContainerOf(Phone))))
> foo(name = ("Paul", "Smith"),
>       age = 23,
>       children = [Child(), Child()],
>       phonebook = {
>         "Mike": (Phone(), Phone()),
>         "office": [Phone()]
>     })
> ContainerOf, TupleOf, ListOf and DictOf are all extensions of the abstract
> TypeChecker class, providing some limited but common templated-type
> checking. Of course in practice most complex structures (e.g. phonebook)
> would be encapsulated in a class, so it's questionable whether such
> functionality adds up anything to a list of "assert isinstance(object,type)"
> statements. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.
> George

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