string.encode on HP-UX

Richard Townsend richardt at
Thu Jul 22 08:23:17 EDT 2004

Further, if I put the following in

import encodings
print dir(encodings)

I get:

['CodecRegistryError', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
'__name__', '__path__', '_cache', '_import_tail', 
'_norm_encoding_map', '_unknown', 'codecs', 'exceptions', 
'normalize_encoding', 'search_function', 'types']

Notice there is no 'aliases' attribute.

But if I then run this interactively:

>>> import encodings
>>> dir(encodings)
['CodecRegistryError', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
'__name__', '__path__', '_cache', '_import_tail', 
'_norm_encoding_map', '_unknown', 'aliases', 'codecs', 'exceptions', 
'normalize_encoding', 'search_function', 'types']

then the 'aliases' attribute is there.

Richard Townsend

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